Tapping into Spring’s Expansion

Spring is a precious time: Slivered between winter and summer for such a short moment, it nevertheless awakens all of nature, inviting every living thing to grow, bloom and reclaim their vibrancy. After turning inward all winter, spring feels like a breath of fresh air! I love the smell of the earth as it warms under the sun and the connection I feel to the Universe during this treasured time. This month, I’m taking my cue from Mother Nature and trying to embrace expansion in all areas of my life. I hope these tips inspire you to expand your outlook, open your heart to love and bloom to your full potential this season.

Blessings and love,

Satya xo


Tips for Embracing Expansion

  1. I love turning my face to the sun, tilting my head back and throwing my arms open wide, then taking slow deep breaths to ground me. This pose expands my lungs and chest and says to the Universe, “Thank you. I’m ready.”
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2. I wear white topaz for creativity, harmony and awareness. When I’m in harmony with those around me, I’m aware of just how magical our world is. Taking a moment to savor that feeling inspires me to create, expanding my worldview and my love for life.

White topaz _classics_horiztonalPictured: Sacred Sisterhood Necklace, Path to Success Necklace, Aries Zodiac Necklace,

3. Sometimes, even something as positive as expansion can awaken feelings of nervousness. What if I’m not ready? What if this isn’t the right path? When that happens I remind myself that expansion means more of…and if my heart is in the right place, whatever “more of” the Universe will send my way will always serve me for the better.


Classics_TruePathsNecklacePictured: True Paths Emerald Pendant Necklace